The Blue Hotel at Abby Park
New American meets the Great American Songbook
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
We've been to Abby Park several times in the last two years. It delivers. The food is mostly new American with some old Italian like pizza.We like the hamburgers, lamb or beef. The salad was good, small and pricey. Other eaters liked the pork tenderloin, the portabello mushroom ravioli and the miso salmon. You'll also find beef tenderloin and chicken saltimbocca.
The bar gets loud. The service is prompt. If you're looking for vegetables, you can order sides like mushrooms, asparagus, string beans, or roasted onions. I ordered baby bok choy; baby is descriptive.
It turns out that my favorite reason for eating at Abby Park is The Blue Hotel with Mimi McCaffrey. They're a jazz combo that plays the Great American Songbook as well as your favorite or at least my favorite standards from rock & roll, country, pop and blues. And oh boy, can Mimi sing. If you're in the neighborhood the fourth Sunday of the month, check their site then stop in from 6-9 pm.The Blue Hotel
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© June 13, 2012
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