You Look Mahvelous!
Boston Electrology & Skin Therapies (BEST)
Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
It's okay to steal from my favorite comedian because Billy Crystal and I went to high school in Long Beach, NY and as he will tell you: "When you look mahvelous you feel mahvelous."Boston Electrology & Skin Therapies (BEST) is the place to find out if it's electrolysis, laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, facials, micro dermabrasion or chemical peels. Sheila Martin Starr and Marie Sherrick have created an oasis for men and women looking for skin care.
Credentials: Starr, president, founder, is an educator in electrolysis and laser hair removal. Sherrick, partner, a licensed practical nurse, studied with Starr. Both are board certified by the American Electrology Association. "We don't dabble in hair removal, it's what we do," Sherrick said. "It's not just for men and women who want to be pampered," Starr added, "We treat people with medical hair and skin issues," including hormonal imbalances, sun damage and the trans gendered community. John R. Raftery, MD, medical director, specializes in laser hair removal and Fotofacial treatments. The rest of the BEST staff of electrologists, laser technologists, and medical aestheticians is state licensed and board certified.
Now that you know you're in good hands, try facials that address stress, breakouts, and sensitive skin for face, back, and uh, fanny (this one includes exfoliation, babassu sugar rub, cellulite oil, steam and paraffin wax). Light to medium chemical peels exfoliate, bleach, soften lines, reduce breakouts and smooth sun damage. Microdermabrasion is for scarring, minimizing wrinkles, and improving uneven pigment tones.
Starr and Sherrick get referrals from the medical community for their successful treatment of unsightly hair. Eyebrows, upper lips, chests, necks, backs, hands, legs, faces and anywhere else are candidates for electrolysis, a permanent hair removal technique. So does it hurt? "Ninety eight-percent of our clients say waxing hurts more," Sherrick said. Update July 2012: According to the website, BEST is under new ownership.
© March 22, 2005 for The City Shopper
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