Brown Sugar Café: Comm Ave Thai Up
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
We remember Brown Sugar Café when they first opened on Jersey Street near Fenway in 1996. That location is now closed. The Allston spot has a huge menu that says they specialize in lunch catering. Yes, nearly everything travels well.It's to summarize their extensive offerings. Know that you'll find noodle based, fried rice based, curry and rice based meat, fish and poultry selections with varying degrees of spiciness. There are six soups, six salads, ten desserts, 17 noodle dishes and 22 appetizers. You will not go hungry or be bored. They willingly make to-your-taste adjustments and leave outs for which we are grateful.
Lunch starts at 11 weekdays, noon weekends. Street parking on Commonwealth Avenue is monitored by vigilant meter people. If you order in, be prepared for cash only with a minimum order of plus for delivery. We could do without remarks on the menu and website to tip the driver, however there are thems who need the reminder, I guess.
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© April 5, 2012
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