Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
Who doesn't dream about a place to live where everything is perfect? Everything, in this context, is open to discussion. Like a painless commute to work and easy access to the highway? Near public transportation and a park? So much for the ideal neighborhood, let's talk place. How do updated units with central air, new cabinets and appliances, hardwood floors, parking, and washer/dryer hook-up's sound? I think so too and Rosemary DeVincenzo, the listing agent and a broker with Century 21 North Shore, has three condos in a newly renovated, 1920s house in the Pratville section of Chelsea.I just finished the virtual guided tour of these properties and if you're looking for proximity to Boston without city prices, this could work. In no time I got to see four places along with easy links to condo and contact info.
I fell in love two clicks into my tour. After this confession to DeVincenzo, here's what she said: "Everything is brand new: the roof, the windows, the electric, the heat. There's extra storage in each unit, an eat-in kitchen, a laundry area, microwave, and a security system. The bathrooms have linen closets, shower stalls and a bathtub. You get the charm of a Victorian setting with touches like crown molding along with modern updates.
"The top floor unit has fantastic views. There's a little park right across the street and it's just a minute's walk from the bus that goes into Boston. It's right near Revere Beach Parkway so you're in town or on Route 1 to the North Shore fast. You have easy access to the city along with the suburban setting."
© June 14, 2006 for The City Shopper
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