Boston: Chau Chow
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Julie Moffatt

We go for har gow: steamed dumplings in rice wrapping. Siu mai are steamed dumplings in wonton wraps and we eat them. Cheung foon are steamed crepes in rice wrappings; she loves them. Bau are steamed buns with smooth tops and we think they're nifty. We pass on the fung jau; these are chicken feet.

Start your dim sum any day as early as 9 am and finish up by 3 because then it's over and the regular menu rules until 11 pm. Bring the kids - it's noisy and no one minds. If the parking lot is packed, it's okay to park on the service road of Morrissey Blvd.

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© April 5, 2014
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