We Remember
Chris Chamberlain
Chris died Monday, November 5, 2007 in Cambridge, MA at Mt. Auburn Hospital. Life partner of Steve Ronan. Sister of the late John Chamberlain, Locust Valley (NY) and the late Rosemary Chamberlain. Daughter of Mary and Simon Chamberlain. Beloved aunt. Dear friend.Mass State Legislature. Animal rescuer, protectionist, advocate and educator. Ardent preservationist. Medical detective. Adventurer. Scholar. Romantic. Humanitarian.
Formerly of Cambridge, MA and Scarsdale, NY and 215 East Beech Street, Long Beach, NY.
We will remember her always as the smartest girl in the room and the fastest runner on East Beech Street. We miss her.
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See Boston restaurant stories via One for the Table on Zomato
Locanda Del Lago in Santa Monica
Italian Western
Santa Monica Seafood Cafe
Fine kettle of fish
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Food, and art
Ming's Blue Ginger Wellesley
Red hot and blue
Deli after Dark Dedham
Yes, we have no meatballs
Sophia's Grotto
Meatballs and calamari in Roslindale
Pon Thai Bistro
Pon cooks with fire
Island Creek Oyster Bar
Happy, happy new year
Amelia's Trattoria in Cambridge
New York state of mind
Cafe Sushi in Cambridge
Industry standard
Black Trumpet in Portsmouth
Ta dah
Flour Bakery
Eat dessert first
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Italian Western

Fine kettle of fish

Food, and art

Red hot and blue

Yes, we have no meatballs

Meatballs and calamari in Roslindale

Pon cooks with fire

Happy, happy new year

New York state of mind

Industry standard

Ta dah

Eat dessert first