Coolidge Corner Clubhouse
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
If you're not a linebacker, go to the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse for lunch. On the lunch menu you can order grilled cheese, BLT, half a sandwich with soup, mini burritos, salads with tuna or chicken, a veggie burger, a conventional burger, fish and chips, portabello mushroom sandwich, pesto pasta salad all under ten bucks.The dinner menu is for he-man, cholesterol-gagging, non-compliant suicidal eaters. Burgers go from 10-16 ounces, ribs fall off the bone, and nachos servings will easily take care of a table of six. Ditto the meat plates and sandwiches. Well, it is a sports bar.
My oldest friend from high school and I had salads. The service, as always, is gracious.
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© June 4, 2012
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