George Davis Shoes
Shop Girl by Kitty Kaufman
If you're not on Beacon Hill or downtown, there are no suits. There are jeans, khakis, chinos, shoes with platforms and no backs, shirts that have never met a belt, and cargo pants with pockets enough for lunch and a laptop. And you may be thinking that suits and are over. Well, they're not.I was in the financial district last week to meet the owners of the new George Davis Shoes on Federal Street and they assure me suits are alive and well. Suits and ties and most important, fine leather shoes are going strong.
Bill Dunlop, the new president, has been with the company for 24 years, and he confirmed my observation. "Everyone is starting to dress up in the last six months," Dunlop said.
"We're bringing world-famous New England craftsmanship to the store," said chairman and owner Allen Wolozin. "We are geared to the business professional who wants the look and feel of success." What Wolozin and Dunlop provide in service makes shopping at George Davis, well, a walk in the park. If they don't have your size, they gladly special order and ship at no charge. "Careful fitting and service is the foundation of our business," Wolozin said. Wolozin opened George Davis in 1957.
If you're still not sure about what is and isn't corporate casual, Dunlop will set you straight in black, brown and tan oxfords with crepe and rubber soles. He's also got a shelf of dark brown suede Alden tassels, slip-ons, and lace ups that make me wish my feet were a whole lot bigger.
If you do nothing else to keep your shoes in shape, Wolozin suggests cedar shoe trees. "They absorb moisture. They leave a nice aroma of cedar." Dunlop added, "They eliminate wrinkles overnight, which we all wish we could do." This shop has closed.
© July 2, 2005 for The City Shopper
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