Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Dwelltime opened in April. Jaime Van Schyndel's Linkedin profile does say he plans on opening a coffee bar and so he has, with Israel Fridman. We stopped in Friday afternoon with le bébé for a late afternoon coffee.Sadly, we were too late for lunch. If you're there between 11 and 3, have a sandwich: spicy egg salad, sweet potato fu fu, pork belly, chicken, and short rib. Yes, we had to look up fu fu: boiled pounded yams or plaintains with chick peas and raisins. There's also su ya, tofu skin with shitake. Salads: wakame quinoa, roasted pear with gorgonzola and mixed greens with pickled egg and croissant croutons.
The bakery menu: fontina cheese puffs (we fought over them), asparagus quiche, vegetable fritatta, tartlets, scones, fruit turnovers, pound and applesauce cakes; cookies, of course and brownies. The menu says "we are passionate about the coffee served here." The iced latte is worth a trip . Tea has its own menu with black, yellow, herbal, green, and oolong provenance facts to make you an expert in no time. Coffee-heads can follow expansion plans in the website's diary.
It's pleasantly noisy and their big windows front on Broadway.
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© June 25, 2012
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