Robert Frost does it better
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Fire + Ice is a chain. I didn't know until I went to the website. This is what they write about themselves: "Oooooh! … Ahhhhh! Astonishing diners since 1997." I'll say. (The chain is much smaller than it was in 2012.)Our server was very patient. The menu is so confusing she had to explain how it works. This is never a good sign. I don't want a story, I just want to eat. And given the choice, I don't want pictures on my menu unless it's IHOP. Luckily, she told us that there is a salad bar which was fine for lettuce, croutons, and parmesan.
The Thin Woman, who can eat whatever she wants, was adventurous in trying the fire menu including steak and shrimp though not at the same time. Fire refers to food that is cooked on the center grill. You can go back more than once. Most everyone does. You pick out what you want and watch someone cook it. Then you carry it back to your table. The ice refers to martinis, margaritas, frozen drinks. We didn't have any of them. Quiet dinner for two? Only if you're already deaf.
Robert Frost wrote "Fire and Ice."
"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."
P.S. November 2020: I checked the menu. They are still full of themselves. Now they're quoting Robert Frost. My dad got his money's worth.
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© June 18, 2012, November 2020
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