Boston: Georgetown Cupcake
It's on One for the TableLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Dilusha De Tissera

The number of people in line is 25 and sometimes more. Inside are two cashiers and five packers. They need them all. You pay first and wait to pick up. Everyone is smiling: the help, the people on line, the eaters, and we who'll soon have cake.
The concept comes from DC sisters Katherine Berman and Sophie LaMontagne. Wikipedia says the cupcakes have 250 calories. Neither of the sisters look like they have ever eaten a single cupcake. My first is chocolate with cream cheese frosting that's been rolled in coconut. (Be sure to ask for the ones with cream cheese). Cream cheese is frosting's best friend. It's like bacon. If you put bacon that's not crispy between two slices of toasted mayo-ed cardboard, it's lunch.
Next is carrot with cream cheese frosting. The menu says it's "classic cinnamon apple carrot" but I get spice notes and thankfully, no raisins or nuts. My third is red velvet; it's moist, dense chocolate cake topped with 1/4" of cream cheese frosting. Red velvet is very popular. I see why after a taste test. I toast half a Whole Foods plain bagel, very un-New York like, and apply cream cheese. One bite of bagel, one bite of red velvet. They're both good; since it's breakfast, I eat the bagel. Later, I toast the other half. I find some packaged (meh) New York lox. Our research shows that lox still goes with the cream cheese on the bagel and Riesling pairs with the cream cheese on the cupcake but hold the lox.

Yes, it's worth the wait. They're better than a cup of vanilla ice cream, two colas, 11 Hershey's kisses, 30 chips, 100 pieces of sugar-free gum, or one commercially baked apple turnover, when you've got 250 calories and $3.50 to spend.
Georgetown Cupcake
83 Newbury St
Boston, MA 02116
617. 927. 2250
© October 9, 2012 for One for the Table
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