Ginger Exchange
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Lunch in Inman Square, Cambridge on the fly with a baby. We needed a place where we could get served quickly that is roomy enough to accommodate the stroller. We found it!Ginger Exchange at 1287 Cambridge Street sports an Asian menu with sushi, noodles and surprises they call "not your traditional Japanese." They would be right. Lunch features bento rice boxes, noodle boxes including Pad Thai, sushi combos, plus "out of the box" bao baos. Vegetarians have lots: appetizers, sides, sushi, entrees and bentos.
The full menu has the unexpected: fried calamari, fried oysters, french fries, Korean style wings three ways and enough sushi, sashimi and maki rolls to make you sad you can't eat more. The creative writer is surely at work naming the makimono: hoppin' jalepeno, OMG, green monster, sake bomb, naked narutos, pyro seared everything and of course, sake-2-me: salmon tempura, avocado, cream cheese, eel sauce and spicy mayo. This one we did not try.
Happy hours galore feature PBR for two bucks, wings, gyoza and a bunch of maki. Be happy from 5-7 pm weekdays, and most evenings after ten til midnight.
We had a polite lunch of lettuce wraps and Thai curried chicken. Le bébé, also polite and sans teeth, had only fingers. We were in and out in no time.
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© March 5, 2012
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