Gordon's Wine
Shop Girl by Kitty Kaufman
What do I think about when I think about wine? Let's go shopping! These adventures are full of fruitful outcomes. Sometimes it's just a bottle or two but more often, it's a case of new tastes garnered with pointers from the wine expert. If you don't have your very own wine authority, a wine seller's expertise can help. The staff at Gordon's Wine and Spirits asks the questions: What do you like? What are you serving? How much do you want to spend?Not only do the right questions help you find what you want but when there are 350 wines to choose from, even the best seller needs guidelines. David Gordon, who uncorked his newest location off Galen Street outside Watertown Square, is a fourth generation expert. He and his dad, Richard Gordon, have 70 years of family experience. David Gordon says, "The Watertown store was designed to highlight our best wine values for and under. You don't have to spend a fortune to get a great bottle."
He and wine manager Rich Ricci host tastings. With a group of regulars, along with fruit and cheese, it's a good way to start the weekend and you get 20% off all the wines they taste. What's new? "California of course. We're also finding our customers like Spanish wines. Typically these are coming off old vines that are producing rich vibrant Parker-rated 90 point wine that's selling for . Australian imports are down as we become adventurous with Grenache, Sémillon and Viognier. There's also been a spike in rosé which is fantastic for summer."
No visit is complete without a short riff on wine in a box. Gordon carries several, one of which comes from Kendall Jackson that, he says, is "one of the better ones. Many companies are starting to go bag in the box. It's a pretty big development."
© August 2, 2006 for The City Shopper
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