Groundex: Hurry up please it's time
Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
Groundex is a same-day courier company. You may know them as Ground Express, Inc. or or They're the ones you call to send a package next door, across the street, across town, to the Route 128 and 495 office parks, to Manhattan and beyond. They do it fast and they do it well.Branch manager Adam Brooks Colter's focus is timeliness, service, reliability and access. "Our office never closes," he told me. "We operate 24 hours a day every day." With an impressive roster of clients, he has to. He delivers: to Mass General, Brigham and Women's, Children's Hospital as well as to City Hall, Beacon Hill and the courthouses.
Engineers, attorneys, ad agencies, businesses large and small ship documents, drawings, file boxes, freight, furniture and even parrots. "A couple of years ago we picked up an 18 foot-high parrot at the airport, uncrated it, and got it over to the Earth Day event at the Charles River on time," Colter said.
Groundex goes beyond the usual standard or rush service. "What sets us apart," Colter says, "is our flexible delivery. You specify one, two, three, four or five-hour service." And you can get that particular since they have anywhere from 45 to 55 couriers on the street every business day. This is mass transit at its very best.
If you're thinking, "I need it and I need it now," call 1-888-9PARCEL to set up an account. A friendly service executive will answer your questions, quote you a price and have your package on the road in no time. Get an instant quote, track a package in real time and get delivery confirmation by email.
© February 12, 2003 for The City Shopper
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