First down: Buffalo chips
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
So three guys, one Jake and two Joes, own this place. Jake n Joes own the Chateau restaurants too. Not to be confused with a sports bar, they call it a sports grille. And what's with bar stools that have no backs?There's pulled pork, cheese steak, roast beef, reuben, pastrami, buffalo chicken. Pizza with BLT, and buffalo chicken with blue cheese. Also margherita pizza, what they mean is margarita pizza since margherita is Italian for daisy. There's basil on one, daisies on the other. Wings: buffalo, BBQ, sesame ginger, honey mustard, atomic, simply roasted, and loaded chili.
Under first downs, they list waffle buffalo chips. Even if they do come with waffles, no.
The service is good. No one fell off their bar stools. We are clever dancers after all.
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© June 20, 2012
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