James Joseph Salons: Heads Up
Shop Girl by Kitty Kaufman
Here is everything I know about hair: it's too long or too short. Or it's too curly or too straight. When you put a hat on it the outcome is predictable. And some days when the planets are aligned, it does look fabulous and somehow we feel better about ourselves and the world in general.What can make a difference is the stylist. Staff at James Joseph Studio work every day creating new looks with the latest in color and cut. Says owner William George about his award-winning savvy staff: "They are the best!" And if you've seen their ad, the one with the magnificent blonde model with admirable abs and trendy jeans, and oh yes the great hair, you know he's right.
"The Salon's been at 30 Newbury for nine years. The Studio is our new concept with its approachable price-point haircut and it's drawing a lot of attention," he said. Their new promotion is the studio haircut for first-time clients: "What we're finding is even some of our Salon clients like Studio because it's a fresh, energetic setting with great people and the quality is there."
"What sets us apart," he said, "is our commitment to education and training. Between the two salons we have more than 20 local and national awards and part of what makes this work so well is our 18-month training program for apprentices."
"This is a great business. You make people look great and they feel good. Our goal has always been to create a friendly setting in both locations. Education and environment are my two benchmarks. It's really important that I have friendly people who love what they're doing," George said. And do it they will especially on late night Thursdays where you can come in up until nine.
George says: "If it can be done to hair, we do it!" So what's new? "We're seeing natural colors that look more like real colors. It used to be people wanted color that looked like they got their hair colored. We were doing platinum blonde; now we're doing more light blondes. We're weaving in natural tones and bringing people closer to their natural base color and this makes hair easier to maintain and makes hair look healthy. The closer you are to what nature has given you, the better it is for your hair."
P.S. William George moved to the West Coast in November 2011.
© March 29, 2005 for The City Shopper
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