Dancers are pretty good bowlers at Kings Dedham
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman, photos by Tamra Gray Stock
What shall we do? Hazel Boone dance studio is closed because it's school vacation week so our regular Tuesday night gig is not happening. Oh, no. Luckily I get a morning Facebook message that Holly Costa is thinking it's a good night for our class to rendezvous for bowling. The responses are filled with exclamation. Bowling at Kings it is. Although the dress code is stringent we're able to show up with "no work boots, no chains or sunglasses, no bandannas, no baggy clothes, no backpacks, no baseball hats, no sleeveless and no bluetooth devices."Overall, the food is better than you think, the help is super-friendly and although you're bombarded with tunes and screens, you can still be your best at bowling and skee ball. We're in a private room with baby balls and baby lanes and if you haven't bowled since eighth grade, this is perfect. The drink hit of the night is Fish Bowl with coconut rum, vodka, Curaçao, energy drink, pineapple juice and Swedish fish. (I am indeed the last person in America who hasn't heard of Swedish fish.) It comes with two straws in a glass () big enough for a school of fish and of course, it's green. Fish Bowl before they got to the fish part.
We recommend the hummus, cheese quesadillas, and Buffalo chicken dip for starters (-). Main stuff we like: barbeque chicken wrap, which is huge; the fries, crispy with plenty of salt, and the classic mozarella pizza which is cheesy, tomato-y and crusty just the way we like it, New York style.
Now for the games. Everything's electronic of course: scores, who's next, nudges, cheering and so on. See an electronic nudge It turns out some of us are pretty good bowlers. You can skee ball too and it's the way you remember it (from the boardwalk in Long Beach, NY) except the tunes have changed and the wooden balls return fast. I'm not sure how they do it but Kings is a happening mix of food, fun, noise, action, and friends. We recommend it.
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© February 21, 2013
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