Laser Hair Removal
Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
Dr. Gerardo Yanayaco has an uncomplicated philosophy: self-improvement made simple. As an American Board Certified physician in the business of making you look better, it couldn't be more apt. At his new downtown office in the Jewelers Building on Washington Street, along with brochures for laser and Botox, he has the book of stories: intriguing photographs of patients before and after treatment. As he says, "What counts in cosmetic medicine is the work you do," and indeed, the photos speak for themselves.With nine years in Manhattan's Lite Touch laser specialty offices working with high-profile clients, Yanayaco's personable straightforward manner is reassuring. If it's true that you never have a second chance to make a first impression, then how you look always matters.
He has memberships with the Laser Institute of America, the National Council on Laser Excellence, and the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery. His specialties include cosmetic medicine laser therapy for wrinkles, scars, brown spots, and hair removal. "Laser therapy for wrinkles involves no cutting and no sutures," Yanayaco said. "This treatment encourages the growth of collagen and gives the skin a smooth appearance so you look younger. Laser photo facials treat brown spots along with acne and accident scars. For unwanted hair, lasers are used to destroy the roots."
Cosmetic medicine has made strides treating the effects of aging and too many days at the beach. Yanayaco works with Botox, "a wrinkle treatment that generally lasts about three months. When I use it in combination with Restylane, it usually lasts longer." For vein care there is sclerotherapy. Yanayaco treats spider veins with fine-gauge injections of saline which, he reports, "has few side effects and shows results immediately." Other areas may benefit from mesotherapy, where lecithin is injected every two weeks for 8-10 weeks to diminish pockets of fat.
He said: "My goals are to help psychological and medical trauma. When you're able to treat an organic issue, as the trauma goes away the patient's self-esteem grows and their confidence gets better. This is very rewarding. As well, because people are living longer cosmetic medicine has taken on new importance. You have to look good every day."
© February 8, 2006 for The City Shopper
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