Cambridge: Mu Lan
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
Small neighborhood places can earn big reputations when what they cook is what we want even if we live somewhere else. Dilusha and I stop in to Mu Lan, a Taiwanese restaurant in Cambridge, for a quick lunch with le bébé. They like kids. As soon as we sat our server brought her plate and plastic ware even before we got ours.We order shredded pork with baby bamboo tasty without the spicy. We choose eggplant with basil that turns out to be a nifty combination. Bright purple eggplant comes in brown sauce and if you're short on vegetables, this is a good way to go. The service is pleasant. On another visit the fried dumplings, all ten of them are piping hot with afterburner on the garlic but that could just be me. In lieu of bread, you get peanuts and pickled cabbage.
Thirty-two lunch specials, weekdays from 11-3, include soft bean curd, octopus with dry bean curd, fish with black bean, beef with satay, pork chop on rice, seasonal vegetables, crispy pork, and shredded pork in many variations. They recommend spiced chicken, smoked duck and deep fried crispy chicken.
You can bring a party of ten for dinner in the round complete with candles. There's wine, Tsingtao and Sapporo. The tiny strip mall, just outside Kendall Square, has parking for three cars so if you're not a Cambridge resident, plan on going a couple of blocks for meters. Mu Lan is closed Mondays.
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© November 9, 2012
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