Dog days, dog years, a dog's life
Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
We measure time in dog years, a dog's life, and label weather in dog days. Then there are dog owners, the lucky bunch who get to walk down the street with their best friends while everyone wants to pause and chat about their animals. Aaron Motta is a dog-lover who opened his distinctive Pawpoochies barkery and boutique three months ago. Pawpoochies got its start in North Attleboro and Motta says he always knew that someday the ideal location would be Boston.His inventory includes high-quality leashes and collars of ribbon and leather, some with studs and some with rhinestones, and others bearing Patriots or Sox logos. They stock a good selection of carriers, harnesses, ID tags, shampoo, toys, clothing, breath drops and food for every taste. The treats are in the barkery case; they are all-natural and yes, they do look good enough to eat.
Motta is very engaging. He engages every person who walks in: "Do you have a dog? What kind? How many?" He says that everyone loves to talk about their animals and in no time, they take out photos. Sometimes he snaps an instant photo for his neighborhood bulletin board. The photos come only if you live in the area and they are only of the dog, not you.
On a summer afternoon there was traffic. Although there were many shoppers, there was only one dog and he was extremely well behaved. He stood patiently while several collars and, despite the heat, several sweaters were tugged on and off. His picture was added to the bulletin board.
One of Pawpoochies's most popular items is harnesses by Puppia. "They're great because of the chest padding and softness so it doesn't chafe or cut in. The material breathes and the harnesses come in a lot of colors," Motta says. He also has a colorful selection of clothing and as the weather changes, owners of small dogs will find the fleece sweaters and coats useful. Pawpoochies sells all-natural treats and some are made without corn and wheat for dogs with allergies. Come October there will be Halloween costumes and in time for the holidays, you'll find Christmas collars, seasonal sweaters and toys. P. S. This store is closed.
© September 6, 2006 for The City Shopper
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