Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
I watched CNBC today. Along with the usual dose of stock gossip, they treated me to commentary about him and the him I mean is Don Imus.I'd never imagine anything about him could make me the least bit happy. I mean, could you, if you're outside the 16-34 demographic? But still. Even they're saying, "This dude really blew himself to bits." It's not new. He's been doing it for years, too long really and you can see how it happens. You're on the job doing whatever it is you always do. I guess it could happen to anyone.
I'd like to think I'm becoming more tolerant of say, people who are entitled on more levels than we could go into here. What an implosion, his advertisers are pulling the bucks.
It's schadenfreude and although I'd like to think I'm charitable, this is apparently one thing I'll never outgrow. People voting with their pocketbook is just right and he has nothing to say . . . at least for now. I suppose he'll continue doing the apology circuit. I can't imagine it will make anyone feel better.
© Spring 2007
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