Cooper Family Law: and Order
Shop Talk by Kitty Kaufman
In the course of a typical day an ordinary person gets up, drives to work, goes home and gets up the next day to do it, or some variation of it, again. There is comfort in knowing we are expected at our desk by eight and at six, little people wait patiently for us to produce a gourmet dinner. Entwined with errands and chores, the routines of school and work bring predictability and rhythm to the day.And those are the good days, the typical ones that fall in line one behind another. And then in no time the routine is gone, the predictable turns uncertain and the typical is no more. A new home, a new business, or someone gets married. A stolen credit card, bad checks, a stove in flames, tenants at war, a car accident, a fall, a falling out. The boat rocks and the course is forever changed.
The staff at the law offices of Stanley H. Cooper, Cooper Family Law provide an array of legal services to see you through these transitions. They handle car accidents, wills and trusts, immigration law, real estate transactions, product liability, workers comp, bankruptcy, and criminal issues of misdemeanor. Cooper specializes in family law: divorce, and spousal and child abuse. A graduate of Boston University School of Law, he's been practicing for 31 years.
"We have some clients who have been through more than one divorce," Cooper said. "Depending on whether there are children and property, divorce can be a long, expensive journey." He assists with referrals for counseling and custody negotiation. For car accidents they provide investigation and accident reconstruction experts. They guide you through the process of filing accident reports, determining who is at fault, car repairs and medical payments. These cases are handled on contingency; the lawyer gets paid only when the client does.
They draw up simple wills, health proxies, trusts and powers of attorney. In real estate they handle closings, landlord and tenant disputes and evictions. They can also guide you through setting up a new business and later, transferring it to a new owner. For criminal issues, Cooper will handle drunk driving charges, assaults, breaking and entering, and drugs to the extent that the charges are misdemeanors. He also provides bankruptcy assistance including chapter 7, chapter 11 and straightening out credit.
One of Cooper's colleagues, Sara Hammond, is a law student at the Mass School of Law. She started working with him three years ago before she entered law school. "I wanted to see what it was like every day and what I found was that my experience here affirmed my affinity for the study of law." She said, "We offer professional advice; whether you want to hear it or not, that's our job." Cooper added, "We're good at what we do and we want to help." Cooper Family Law
© December 8, 2004 for The City Shopper
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