Stephanie's: Big food, big city
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
We come for lunch with le bébé who's now big enough to hold a fistful of bread and fling it about. If you want to sit outside at Stephanie's, be ready to wait. Even though it id very hot, people str patient because you'd be hard pressed to find a better place to be part of/in the action. We sit inside where it's noisy and cooler.Lunch is big with hearty appetizers: house wedge salad, fried calamari, crab cakes, mussels, and baked goat cheese. We like the calamari and it is more than enough.
Big sandwiches too: pastrami and corned beef, which we never ate together in New York; we chose either pastrami or corned beef. Moving on, grilled cheese, tuna melt, capicola with banana peppers and a Cuban.
The roasted vegetable ravioli plate was full of flavor with artichoke, onion, spinach and pesto and we were pretty sure no one would kiss us after and no one did. There are eight salads: Caesar, Cobb, tuna, Thai chicken, vegetable, steak and goat cheese. Stephanie's summer lunch specials take in an oversized burger, jumbo scallops, fish and chips, half a chicken, meatloaf, and a three cheese omelet. Big. And what will the winter lunch specials be?
Most of all, servers are accommodating even when one of your eaters is a food flinger and for that we are grateful.
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© August 8, 2012
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