Long Beach, NY: Mom's Thanksgiving stuffing
See it on One for the Table's Thanksgiving storiesLet's Eat by Kitty Kaufman

Esther Kaufman's Long Beach Simple Stuffing: 8 cups stale white bread cubed, no crusts; 1 cup minced onion, 1 T salt, ½ cup butter, 1 cup diced celery with leaves; parsley, sage, thyme and pepper. Dry out the bread at 325 degrees but don't let it brown. Cook the onion in butter, add the seasonings. Add the celery, cook 3-5 minutes. Pour over the bread, mixing well, and stuff the bird. It was perfectly okay to stuff . . . then (after seat belts and before helmets were fitted at birth).
Doris Kanter's LA Fancy Stuffing: In her collection I found this recipe from her friend Doris. It only lists ingredients and has no directions except "not diced, cubed." Fluffy fresh bread, water chestnuts, celery, walnuts, bacon, margarine, onion, poultry seasoning, garlic salt, pepper and milk. This is exactly why Encino is way more fun than Long Beach.
Mom's Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallow: In our house it was the only time there were marshmallows for dinner. Although we grew up in the same house, when I served it to the very same brothers not so long ago, they, their wives, assorted brothers- and sisters-in-law and the children made a to-do about how my marshmallows spoiled the sweet potatoes. It went on and on, not in a good way, and although I like it I never made it again.

Brookline Company-Friendly Squash: as above and I top with a small amount of butter, brown sugar, salt and pepper. What's good about this is if you have a pre-made bird, it makes the house smell very "I've been slaving all day, I cooked the bird earlier, pour me more wine" and no one will notice at all.
Susan Valentine's Amherst Black Friday Turkey Soup: Susan takes everything and I mean everything that's left and dumps it in to a large pot: the carcass, the gravy, stuffing, all the potatoes, squash and the cranberry sauce. I made salad with Caesar dressing and Parmesan cheese that wasn't quite finished and that went in too.
Ellen Kaufman's Mansfield Perfect Thanksgiving: One year Ellen got Sailor to bring turkey, fancy stuffing and gravy - and me to bring everything else: simple stuffing, creamed onions, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cooked cranberry sauce, wine and pie. I cooked, packed, carried and drove 30 miles. I only did this once.

© November 13, 2012 for One for the Table
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