Wagamama: worldwide except Japan
Let's Eat by Kitty Kaufman
The lunch club wishes it had better news for you. Food okay; service, not so much.I looked up the meaning of wagamama. It is the word of the day on japanese.about.com Look up wagamama: selfishness, egoism and willfulness. They have three stores in Boston and 18 countries worldwide. Japan is not one of them.
It's not busy at the Faneuil Hall store at 1:30. We are seated quickly and I get to carry the menus myself. As we wait for someone to take our order, le bébé drinks a whole bottle of milk and starts in on her crackers. They listen to what you're ordering but they write it down on your placemat. It was about 20 minutes until cha han appeared. It was okay. Accompanying the cha han are pickles. You need a magnifier to see them. Soup comes in a tea cup. The fresh roll is fine. Getting sauces for the bland cha han takes 10 minutes. Getting the check: snail-like. A new crew?
On the website apply for membership for "fun games to play, noodle news, loads more animations, desktops and screensavers, exclusive member offers." This reminds me of Groucho: "I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member." If you want to find out "about us," you can't. It's a mish-mash of self-praise.
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© March 15, 2012
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